Spotlight!: Yoshika Colwell

As I’ve grown older it’s begun to dawn on me that the key to happiness is learning to find comfort in the life you’re living. No more constant comparisons to the lives those around you are leading, no more lingering too long on regrets & what-ifs, no more holding on to the idea that “one day, things will all be different“. Life isn’t about the big picture, it’s all in the everyday. Most of our time spent on this Earth is ordinary, and all of that time is spent as ourselves. Making peace with who you are, what you truly need, and how you want to spend your days. Accepting the things you can’t change, and being wise enough to recognise the parts you can and should. That’s the way to contentment. There’s A Time, the debut EP from singer/songwriter Yoshika Colwell, provides an idyllic little oasis of said contentment for anyone in search of it. Thanks in no small part to the lightness and grace of her vocals, the warmth and tenderness of her folk arrangements, and the soft naturalistic approach to production that makes you feel like you’re there holding your breath in the corner of the recording studio. Yet beyond all that, contained in these five tracks, are Yoshika’s own musings on making this journey of self-reflection. Continue reading

Top Tracks: Yoshika Colwell – It’s Getting Late

I can’t deny, I’m the kind of person who shuts down and zones out when overwhelmed. When there’s a dozen things that I should be doing I will end up doing none of them. While that does nothing to shorten my to-do list, somewhat counterintuitively when you’re at your busiest is when you’re most in need of a break. To my mind, ‘It’s Getting Late’ follows a similar philosophy. When thoughts dwell on the unrelenting passage of time, how the days of our lives pass like grains of sand between your fingers, the way to soothe your spirit is not to frantically try to make every second count, but to dream the day away. Capturing the lush reflective reverie of acts like Flyte and Billie Marten, the debut single from Yoshika Colwell sees her delight in the pastoral beauty of her surroundings. Afternoons spent basking in the sun, watching birds flit between branches, the contentment of simply being; those moments are every bit as fleeting as the hustle and bustle we stress over, and far more worthy of cherishing. A day devoted listening to ‘It’s Getting Late’ on repeat, watching the world pass by, sounds like time well spent in my book.